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Advanced Statistical Methods in Data ScienceChen, D.G., Chen, J., Lu, X., Yi, G., Yu, H.
Advanced Statistical Methods in Data Science.



Monte-Carlo Simulation-Based Statistical ModelingChen, Ding-Geng, Chen, John Dean
Monte-Carlo Simulation-Based Statistical Modeling.



Clinical Trial Data Analysis Using R and SAS, Second EditionDing-Geng (Din) Chen, Karl E. Peace, Pinggao Zhang
Clinical Trial Data Analysis Using R and SAS, Second Edition.



Statistical Causal Inferences and their Applications in Public Health Records.He, H., Pan, W. and Chen, D.G. (2016).
Statistical Causal Inferences and their Applications in Public Health Records.



chen_innovative_statistical_methods_for_public_healthChen, D.G. and Wilson, J. (Sept 2015).
Innovative Statistical Methods for Public Health Data.



Applied Meta-Analysis using R.Chen, D. G. and Peace, K. E. (May 3, 2013).
Applied Meta-Analysis using R.
Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series.
FL: Boca Raton.
(ISBN: 978-1-46-650599-5, 342 pages).


Propensity Score AnalysisGuo, S., & Fraser, M. W. (2015).
Propensity score analysis: Statistical methods and applications (2nd ed.).
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Press.


Bowen, Gary L., Jensen, Todd M. and Martin, James A. (2016) A Measure of Comprehensive Airman Fitness: Construct Validation and Invariance Across Air Force Service Components, Military Behavioral Health, 4:2, 149-158, DOI: 10.1080/21635781.2015.1133345

Chen, D. G., Testa, M.F., Ansong, D. And Brevard, K.C. (2019). Evidence Building and Information Accumulation: Bayesian Paradigm Cohesive for Social and Health Intervention Research. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research. Accepted.

Chen, D.G. and Ansong, D. (2019). Bayesian Spatial-Temporal Modeling of Space and Time Dynamics: A Practical Demonstration in Social and Health Research. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research. 10(2) 275-299.

Chen, X. and Chen, D.G. (2019). Cognitive Theories, New Paradigm in Quantum Behavior Change, and Cusp Catastrophe Modeling in Social Behavioral Research. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research. 10(1) 127-159.

Chen, D.G., Fraser, M. and Cuddeback, G. (2018). Assurance in Intervention Research: A Bayesian Perspective on Statistical Power. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research. 9(1): 158-173. doi: 10.1086/696239.

Chen, D.G. and Fraser, M. (2017). A Bayesian Approach to Sample Size Estimation and the Decision to Continue Program Development in Intervention Research. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research. 8(3) 457-470.

Chen, D.G. and Fraser, M. (2017). A Bayesian Perspective on Intervention Research: Using Prior Information in the Sequential Development of Social and Health Programs. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research. 8(3) 441-456.

Kainz, K. & Yi, P. (2014). School segregation and early reading gains: Using propensity score matching to disentangle effects for African-American, Latino, and European-American students. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 29, 521-537.

Kainz, K., Willoughby, M. T., Vernon-Feagans, L., Burchinal, M. R., & Family Life Project Investigators. (2012). Modeling family economic conditions and young children’s development in rural United States: Implications for poverty research. Journal of family and economic issues, 33(4), 410-420.

Kainz, K., Cohen-Vogel, L., & Harrison, C. W. (2015). Continuous improvement as an ideal for teaching and teacher evaluation. American School Board Journal,


Lydick, E., Zimmerman, S.I., Yawn, B., Love, B., Kleerekoper, M., Ross, P., Martin, A., & Holmes, R. (1997). Development and validation of a discriminative quality of life questionnaire for osteoporosis (The OPTQol). Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 12, 456-463.

Resnick, B., Zimmerman, S.I., Orwig, D., Furstenberg, A.L., Magaziner, J. (2000). Outcomes expectations for exercise scale: utility and psychometrics. The Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 55B, 352-356.

Resnick, B., Zimmerman, S., Orwig, D., Furstenberg, A.L., & Magaziner, J. (2001). Model testing for reliability and validity of the Outcome Expectations for Exercise Scale. Nursing Research, 50, 293-300.

Resnick, R., Nahm, E-S., Orwig, D., Zimmerman, S., & Magaziner, J. (2001). Measurement of activity in older adults: reliability and validity of the Step Activity Monitor. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 9, 275-290.

Sloane, P.D., Mitchell, C.M., Weisman, G., Zimmerman, S., Long, K.M., Lynn, M., Calkins, M., Lawton, M.P., Teresi, J., Grant, L., Lindeman, D., & Montgomery, R. (2002). The therapeutic environment screening survey for nursing homes (TESS-NH): an observational instrument for assessing the physical environment of institutional settings for persons with dementia. Journal of Gerontology Social Science, 57,69-78.

Zimmerman, S., Hawkes, W.G., Hebel, J.R., Fox, K.M., Lydick, E., & Magaziner, J. (2006). The lower extremity gain scale: a performance-based measure to assess recovery following hip fracture. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 87, 430-436.

Resnick, B., Orwig, D., Zimmerman, S., Hawkes, W., Golden, J., Werner-Bronzert, M., & Magaziner, J. (2006). Testing of the SEE and OEE post-hip fracture. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 28, 586-601.

Dobbs, D., Hanson, L., Zimmerman, S., Williams, C.S., & Munn, J. (2006). Hospice attitudes among assisted living and nursing home administrators, and the Long-Term Care Hospice Attitudes Scale. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 9, 1388-1400.

Resnick, B., Gruber-Baldini, A.L., Aboff, I, Galik, E., Buie, V.C., Russ, K., & Zimmerman, S. (2007). Reliability and validity of the Evaluation to Sign Consent Measure. The Gerontologist, 47, 69-77.

Sloane, P.D., Brooker, D., Cohen, L., Douglass, C., Edelman, P., Fulton, B.R., Jarrott, S., Kasayka, R., Kuhn, D., Preisser, J.S., Williams, S., & Zimmerman, S. (2007). Dementia care mapping as a research tool. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 22, 580-589.

Zimmerman, S., Sloane, P.D., Williams, C.S., Dobbs, D., Ellajosyula, R., Braaten, A., Rupnow, M.F.T., & Kaufer, D.I. (2007). Residential care/assisted living staff may detect undiagnosed dementia using the Minimum Data Set Cognition Scale (MDS-COGS). Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 55(9), 1349-1355.

Munn, J.C., Zimmerman, S., Hanson, L.C., Williams, C.S., Sloane, P.D., Clipp, E.C., Tulsky, J.A., & Steinhauser, K.E. (2007). Measuring the quality of dying in long-term care. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 55(9), 1371-1379.

Kaufer, D.I., Williams, C.S., Braaten, A.J., Gill, K., Zimmerman, S., & Sloane, P.D. (2008). Cognitive screening for dementia and mild cognitive impairment in assisted living: comparison of three tests. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 9(8), 586-593.

McConnell, E.S., Corazzini, K.N., Lekan, D., Bailey, D.E., Sloane, R., Zimmerman, S., Mitchell, C.M., Landerman, L.R., & Champagne, M.T. (2010). Perception of new pain care practices in dementia care: Psychometric properties of the Duke Diffusion of Innovation in Long-Term Care Battery. Alzheimer’s Care Today 11(2), 122-133.

Hanson, L.C., Scheunemann, L.P., Zimmerman, S., Rokoske, F.S., & Schenck, A.P. (2010). The PEACE project review of clinical instruments for hospice and palliative care. Journal of Palliative Medicine 13(1), 1253-1260.

van Soest-Poortvliet, M.C., van der Steen, J.T., Zimmerman, S., Cohen, L.W., Munn, J., Achterberg, W., Ribbe, M.W., & de Vet, H.C.W. (2011). Measuring the quality of dying and quality of care when dying in long-term care settings: a qualitative content analysis of available instruments. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 42(6), 852-863.

Cagle, J.D., Munn, J.C., Hong, S., Clifford, M., & Zimmerman, S. (2015). Validation of the quality of dying (QOD) hospice scale. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 49 (2): 265-276.

Zimmerman, S., Cohen, L., van der Steen, J., Reed, D., van Soest-Poortvliet, M.C., Hanson, L.C., & Sloane, P.D. (2015). Measuring end-of-life care and outcomes in residential care/assisted living and nursing homes. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 9(4), 666-679.

Zimmerman, S., Allen, J., Cohen, L.W., Pinkowitz, J., Reed, D., Coffey, W.O., Reed P., Lepore, M., & Sloane, P.D. (2015). A measure of person-centered practices in assisted living: The PC-PAL. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 16(2), 132-137.

Zimmerman, S., Lauren W. Cohen, Tiffany Washington, Kimberly Ward (2016). Measures and Instruments for Quality Improvement in Assisted Living.


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